วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Download Ds Roms- Beware Of This Virus For Free Nds Roms!

Have you ever downloaded any ds rom in the past? Either your answer is yes
or no, just beware of this newly mutated ds virus- Dsbrick if you're
planning to download the next ds game from anonymous websites!

Heard of it before? It is not a newly developed virus. In fact, it had
been existing on the internet since 2005. At the very beginning, Dsbrick
camouflaged itself among the source codes of r0mloader.zip and taihen.zip.
Both of these files are homebrew applications. Well now, it seems that
this deadly virus had evolved and was recently found in quite a lot of
different ds roms games online.

Ds brick is created to erase critical memory of your nintendo ds system.
Sadly speaking, once your memory is deleted, they are non recoverable. It
prevents your ds console from booting up normally and eventually, you will
have to send it back to your ds store to format the system and reinstall
it again.

Sounds pretty scary huh? When you download ds roms from anonymous
websites, you are putting your console at stake. That is the reason why
gamers today pick reliable websites to download ds roms and games.

A reliable ds roms downloads site is able to provide you 100% virusless ds
games. Besides, you can download as many as you want because there are
many gamers share their games over there. These games are specifically
monitored by the site admins everyday to ensure that these ds roms that
are uploaded are free of virus. Apart from that, these admins work hard to
find you the old and new ds roms.

Download ds roms from highly reliable websites starting from now!

