วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Easy Money Play Video Games

So I am looking through Google and I happened to notice all the people
that are needing to become a video game designer. Then I see that there
are many thousands of places that all guarantee you, they can turn you
into one. Well for all of the folks out there without any experience in
the video game industry, it isn't as simple as they say. Well at least if
you are taking their approach on it that is.

I say sorry, but this is not the case. Actually they do not hire any one
to design their computer games without any private experience. Most people
these days have a varsity education. You getting that degree makes you no
better than the other thousands of children getting degrees, just in that
same major as you.

I can tell you right now, just a varsity education won't do so. You are
going to go to that interview and do you know what they are going to ask
you? They are going to say now what private experience do you have in the
video game industry. Now at about that point, your answer will be the same
as that fellow that got interviewed right before you [*CO]'Uh I am in
possession of a university degree'. Even if this is true, they are going
to say'So does everyone else, what makes you any different?' Well today I
am going to answer that question for you.

The answer is computer game testing! Become a Playstation game tester.
Have an answer for that query that those other interviewees are dreading
so much. It is truthfully the most effective way to stand out .

This is what the video game testing job entails : Making your own hours,
playing loads and loads of video games, and looking for bugs in these
certain games. Anybody that wants to become a video game designer
obviously loves to play Playstation games, particularly if you are
scanning the Internet on ways to become one. Get started in the 50 billion
greenback industry right now.

They're going to help you find the best roles and give you everything you
want to maximize your income as a video game tester. You have to use
caution because though because there are some game testing sites out there
that are cons and will do nothing except thieve your money. But if you do
find a good honest computer game testing site, then you can generally get
you your first job in under a week! Also with the high quality client
support and guides that these sites offer you'll have no trouble landing a
job that pays good money.

You can find a great review for a Beta Gaming Testers guide here.

After you get your first job the game company will send you a game and an
assignment. The assignment can be anything from taking a survey on the
game to finding bugs within the game. Some time these jobs can get
uninteresting and tedious, although in my opinion it is well worth the
pay. Just remember not to give up whatever how hard it becomes because as
you test more games, you'll start earning more money.

So how much do beta testers get paid?

