different shapes and colors. Many of us wear it as a passion or likeness
towards these crystals or gems and some believe in having success for
being fixed to their body.
Many of us are not aware that some kinds of crystals and gems are used to
heal diseases and are also used in therapies. These are called "HEALING
These crystals are used for positive changes in the body, mind and makes a
person energized with the positiveness in their minds. Not only getting
positiveness, but also heals a number of diseases and helps in getting a
person stay away from all the bad habits he/she has. There are also
crystals that turn many things into bad or good. These are called "MAGIC
CRYSTALS". There are also many developed games on these magic crystals.
You find different colors and shapes of these crystals. Every color of a
crystal has a different meaning and power. For example color "Red"
indicates "Energy", "Blue" indicates "Calming", "Black" indicates
"Protection", "Green" indicates "Balance", "Pink" indicates "Self-Love",
"Yellow" indicates "Inner Wisdom".
Crystal healing is one of the famous healing techniques the resolving
issues for increase body and patterns using different forms of natural
crystal. The easiest way to do Crystal healing therapy is to wear high
class round bead around the neck. Purpose strengthen the process, but is
not required. Metal inhibit the process.
People wear these crystals with a wish in their mind and that they have to
believe the stone that they are wearing, only then these crystals help
getting the wishes come true.
There is one more way of healing the diseases, which is called
"METAPHYSICAL HEALING". This is helpful to cure diseases by our own. It is
said that this kind of healing helps cure dangerous diseases like cancer
and bone related injuries. By using this kind of therapies people live a
peace of mind and healthy living. There are many books and Cd's on these
crystals and their healing powers.
The information presented here is a primary general idea of healing
crystal and metaphysical healing. It is not proposed to be anything more
than that. To get more knowledge about healing crystal and metaphysical
healing try it once and you will see positive and good changes in you